Computer Services of North Jersey is proud to announce the following services:
1. We have transformed The Computer Store of Circuit Services and moved our location to service our customers better, We are simply the best service company in Sussex County with over 15 years of service to the community.
2. Absolutely free listing to - The most complete internet business directory for local business in Sussex County NJ. To see your listing, type in you web browser, then click on enter Sussex county, click on local business ( all businesses are listed by category just like as if you were looking in the phone book ), If you are not on the web give Computer Services of North Jersey a call, we can set you up with a local service provider that has billing without the need for a credit card, even setup your computer, add peripherals, upgrades, and even supply a computer. Contact Fred Laux ( at 973 875 6650 or Vanessa McCann ( 973 875 5354 for information.
3. Computer Repair Service and Sales
On Site Service-
We supply in home or business computer service, repair, hardware upgrades,
installation and Software installation.
Carry In Service
- You can drop off your computer at the nearest pickup location or bring
the computer to us. Call us for a conveinent location at 973 875
Service Contracts
- For a annual fee we will place you computer and/or computer system under
a maintenance agreement where for one low fee, we will cover all hardware
labor, labor travel time, and parts the have worn-out under normal were
and tear. Plus give a 30 % discount on all labor associated with installation,
setup, and maintaining any software needed to operate the computer system.
Plus access to a 24 hour 7 day a week support line.
Software Maintance
Contract- A pre paid block of time usually 10 hours, Where you
get 40 % off of any labor time associated with installation, setup, and
maintaining any software needed to operate the computer system. This time
can be used on site or off. Plus access to a 24 hour 7 day a week support
line. This agreement is renewable and any hours that are not used during
the course of the year will be credited back to you as a credit toward
the renewal of the contract.
Hardware and
Software Retainer Contract - A pre paid contract where all charges
for software and hardware maintenance will be subtracted off a retainer.
Plus access to a 24 hour 7 day a week support line at no additional expense.
Software and hardware labor will be discounted by 40 %. All hardware purchases,
including parts and new equipment will be subtracted off the retainer as
well. In addition to the above discounts there will be no phone support
charges applied against the retainer. This agreement is renewable and any
moneys that are not used during the course of the year will be credited
back to you as a credit toward the renewal of the upcoming year's contract.
If the balance of the retainer is used up during the year then the customer
can automatically renew the contract by making a payment and replenishing
the retainer, this will also become the new renewal date for the retainer.
3. Keep this page when you call for service and receive
a 10% discount on service labor.
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